At The Helm of The Wellness Consortium...
Eric Dillard is the President and CEO of The Wellness Consortium. Mr. Dillard grew up in Newark, New Jersey during the height of the Civil Rights Movement and the emerging Black Power Movement. His work with local, national and international organizations during that period of America’s history and subsequent years have honed the skills and vision that are propelling The Wellness Consortium through this new millennium.
Mr. Dillard has been active in human rights causes for more than 50 years and is captured in a photo in the “Civil Rights Organization and Black Power Advocates” section of the 1976 edition of The Negro Almanac: A Reference Work on the Afro American (compiled/edited by Harry A. Ploski, Ph.D. and Walter Marr, II and published by The Bellwether Company, NY, NY.).
Mr. Dillard has worked with a number of initiatives and organizations, including:
- Committee For Unified New Ark
- Newark’s Black and Puerto Rican Political Convention
- “Community Choice” campaign to elect Newark’s first African – American Mayor and City Council candidates
- “Unity Movement” campaign to elect the first African – American to represent Newark, NJ in the U.S. Congress
- National political school designed to educate and engage community residents in the political process
- The Newark Public Schools (formerly Newark Board of Education—Office of Affirmative Action/MBE
- Newark Community Council
- Rutgers University –Newark BOS (Black Organization of Students)
- New Ark Student Federation
- People’s Organization for Progress
- Irvington Joint Block Coalition
- Concerned Citizens of Irvington
- National Black Political Convention
- Congress of African People
The Wellness Consortium Has Been Privileged to Serve...
- Rutgers University, Newark—Afro-American and African Studies Department
- University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey—Department of Urban and Community Development
- Project GRAD Newark
- No Barriers Home Care Service, Inc.
- Irvington Counseling Center, Inc.
- Local 617 Service Employee International Union
- Rutgers University, Newark—Office of Student Activities
(formerly Office of Multicultural Affairs)
- Risk Watch Security & Investigations LLC
- Harlem Children’s Zone (formerly Rheedlen Center for Children
and Families)
- 100 Black Men of New Jersey, Inc.
- Seven Generations Productions
- Professor Komozi Woodard, author of “A Nation within a Nation”
- Dr. Michael Simanga, author of “IN THE SHADOW OF THE SON”